dijous, 3 de desembre del 2015

USA states project

Choose one state in the USA to write about in your blog and present it to the rest of the class using a powerpoint. You can look for information on the internet and include the following information:
  • Geography: Describe your state's or province's location within the US. (What states or major bodies of water border it?) What is the state capital? What are some major cities? How big is your state (list its area and its rank with respect to the other states)? You may want to include a map of your state/province - find one online.
  • Climate: What climates does the area have? Is it hot and mild (like Hawaii), is there an extreme climate (like Montana), or something else?
  • Population: Give the latest population figures for your state. How does it rank in terms of the other states? What do the people of the state do for a living (what are the state's major industries and agricultural products)?
  • State/Province Symbols: Describe the symbols that the state selected to represent it. Write about the state flag -- include what it looks like, when it was adopted. Some states have a state bird, a state insect, a state reptile, a state fossil, a state dinosaur, a state rock, a state soil, a state song, a state dance, and other unusual symbols.
  • Something Special: What is special about your state? What does it have that other states do not have? For example, list National Parks, National Monuments, historic battlefields, important places, or historic events that happened in your state.